The truth of current technologies, artificial…

· 2 min read

The truth of current technologies, artificial intelligence and what it truly means for this world. On one level, it seems like AI is helping evolve our world. However, to anyone who is remembering the true nature of their ancient organic roots, will start to realise the lies of AI and that the way technology is being used nowadays, is actually devolving the human species (under the guise of sustainable development). We must realise that the his-story book is filled with lies, and our true origins/ancient past has been hidden from us. Many things have been hidden from us, because it's designed to get us to rely completely on the materialistic life without any awareness on spirituality or our true potential. It's all been carefully crafted to enslave the human species. We must become aware of the real truth, if we wish to break free from enslavement and awaken our ancient organic roots, which is required for creating a true paradise. For those who truly start to awaken their organic consciousness to a certain degree, knows the natural organic technology of the soul can already do everything Al and external technology can do.

The addiction to current technology has its own programming on us. We seem to be connected to eachother through mobile phones, internet, apps etc, but truthfully it’s disconnecting us from the real organic world, disconnecting us from our true self, and it’s an attempt to make people more robotic. Through online platforms, we are unknowingly adapting into a fake persona, that isn’t real. So it’s actually disconnecting us from eachother in the real organic world, but it’s connecting us with eachother in the fake artificial world! And there’s more than enough evidence out there on the harm 5g is doing to the planet and the emf radiation that emits from our phones that also disrupts our energy. How can any of these devices be good for us when it’s slowly harming us?

What many of us don’t realise, is that all current technology (phones, computers, laptops etc) are designed to condition and prepare humanity to accept a fake artificial transhumanist digital world. It’s all about installing technology inside the physical body, modifying the dna and connecting the consciousness with AI. The unrolling of such technologies is designed to take us away from our inner power, and to track/trace/monitor what we do. It also plays a part in manipulating how we think and feel etc. Current technologies are also designed to take us away from our ancient organic spiritual roots, and it’s also designed to disconnect humanity from the organic reality (nature) and higher states of consciousness.

It’s true we can use technology to spread awareness on things like I am doing right now, however it’s a double edged sword. Because if we base much of our life on phones and current technologies, then it also gives life to an artificial world. We have become reliant on technology and we need to break that chain. The “dark forces” who are inspiring the AI takeover, wish to transmute the organic structure of this earth into an artificial planet, that’s suitable for AI transhumans. We are not completely living in an artificial lifestyle right now, but that’s the goal of the new world order and there’s still time to stop it from manifesting. We must wake up, to regain what’s left of our organic humanity and resist/not use any future technologies that may be released. We must also form communities, let go of all current technologies we use and return to living in harmony with the earth. A positive change for the earth is possible, but we must choose to create that. It requires letting go of our sins, and development of the Soul. When we are at the right frequency, other solutions to the worlds problems will become known to us.

PS - ask yourself what world do you wish to create for the future generations?