Most of us have a tendency to do two things:
1) We vastly overestimate the impact that getting all the things we currently want will have on our happiness.
2) We severely underestimate the level of joy and fulfillment that can come from simply accepting ourselves and cultivating gratitude.
Here's the thing - no matter what you get or achieve, you're still the same person with the same mind. No matter what your stack says or what car you drive or how many nostr followers you got. That's why basing your happiness on future outcomes is always a losing game. Those future things don't actually exist yet, they're just illusions we're daydreaming about.
Instead of chasing the next shiny object, why not just accept and love your life as it is right now? I know, I know - this is extremely hard and all of us got problems, and those problems never really go away. But when you can truly accept what is, you open yourself up to work towards something better with a lot less resistance.
Trust me, that's where the real magic happens.
Stay healthy frens 🫂🧡